We collect, process and use your data only in the scope of the legal provisions.
This data privacy policy applies exclusively to the use of the website we provide. It does not apply to websites of other service providers that we merely provide a link to.
When using our website, you remain anonymous unless you voluntarily provide us with personal data.
Personal data is collected only when this is required for the use of the services provided on the website, in particular the forms provided. We will handle the data you provided with strict confidentiality.
We do not pass on any personal information without your explicit permission, unless we are legally obliged to do so. However, please note that, when transmitting data via the Internet, it is always possible for third parties to take notice of or falsify your data.
On request, we shall allow you to view the saved data regarding your person or we shall delete this data. If you would like to correct, delete or view the data, simply write to the address provided in the publication details.
In order to notify our customers about new products, etc. we will send you e-mails only if you provide us with your e-mail address.
This website uses the functions of the web analysis service PIWIK. This is an open source alternative to Google Analytics and is operated in the same data centre as this website, i.e. both in Germany. Piwik uses “cookies”, which are text files placed on your computer to help the website analyse how you use the site. The information generated by the cookie about your use of the website will be transmitted exclusively to the Piwik installation described above and stored there. IP addresses are stored in anonymised form. The recorded data is not provided to third parties.
You can prevent the storage of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings in your browser software; however, please note that if you do this you may not be able to use the full functionality of this website. In addition, you can prevent recording of the data generated by the cookie relating to your use of the website (incl. your IP address):